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Tips for Learning Chinese

www.rainbow-lan.com--Rainbow Mandarin

A Pinyin Rule of Chinese Language
All languages have rules, as does the Chinese language. Westerners will encounter different problems when they learn Chinese, but the most common are often centered on pinyin rules of the Chinese language. For example, many people ask the same question when they learn mandarin: "What are the letters in the alphabet that pinyin words cannot start with?" In Chinese, for example, 'i,' 'u' and 'ü' can't be placed at the beginning of a word written in pinyin. However, some people will ask what to do if they want to use those sounds at the beginning of a word, by the time you are asking a question like this while learning Chinese, it shows that you are getting closer and closer to understanding the pinyin rules. If you want to use those sounds at the beginning of a word, you would write the pinyin in this way: i→yi, u→wu, ü→yu.
Tips to learn Chinese:
How to learn Chinese is a frequently asked question. With the purpose to help you become successful in learning Chinese, here are some tips for you:

Learn Chinese Tip I: Where to start? Chinese Pinyin should be the first step to learn Chinese. Pinyin contains all the Chinese phonetic alphabets where they are used in the pronunciation of Chinese characters. The earlier you start Pinyin, the easier to grasp the correct pronunciation. So the Chinese for children always works very efficient.

Learn Chinese Tip II: Get a Chinese tutor Whether take Chinese classes in a classroom or take an online Chinese lesson, do practice with your professional Chinese tutor's help.

    Learn Chinese Tip III: Learning Chinese characters comes just after learning Pinyin. To learn Chinese characters, you can read books, such as Fun with Chinese Character, which explains the structure and meaning of each character with illustrations and little stories.

Learn Chinese Tip IV: Most characters are built of components which represent physical items. Thus, try to build up mental images featuring the components for each character, meanings of the characters and the pronunciation.

With the development of China, more and more people are planning to learn Chinese and they ask many questions on how to learn Chinese online, especially Chinese for children. Due to lack of professional Chinese teachers, it's difficult to find quality instruction outside of China. At present, there are many online institutions teaching Mandarin language that also offer Chinese for children. When choosing an online language institute, it is very important to choose a high quality, reliable and experienced school with accessible staff and resources. When chosen carefully, an online school can be very helpful in improving your Mandarin language skills.


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